

2020年国际妇女节, 这标志着呼吁为一个性别平等的世界采取行动, Michael and Olivia of British Land reflect on their experiences as a couple both taking shared parental leave. They explore the importance of equality and flexibility for modern families, 人们以不同的方式生活和工作.


奥利维亚: We take an equal approach to parenting, so it always made sense for us to share parental leave. 我虽然怀了芬恩九个月,但我们是一个团队. It seemed natural that Michael would take time to look after our son. 现在已经不是20世纪50年代了.

我们错开了请假时间为我们工作. Michael took three weeks after Finn was born and then seven weeks at the end of the year, 共享育儿假和假期. We had some time together as a family before I handed the reins over to Michael. He did days and nights and I used this time for keeping in touch, going into the office.

迈克尔: 我现在对共享育儿假有了更好的理解. I used to see it as a perk for dads and I think a lot of people see it that way. 别误会我, shared parental leave is of enormous benefit to fathers but it’s much more than that. It gives flexibility to all working parents and families, to make choices that work for them.

The standard model of 12 months for mums and two weeks for dads simply doesn’t work for every family. 家庭需要灵活性,机会应该是平等的. That’s why British Land offers up to six months shared parental leave on full pay. They support employees to live our lives and careers in ways that work for us, 通过它们的好处反映现代生活方式.


奥利维亚: I think some mums feel they have to maximise their maternity leave. 但做点不同的事情也没关系. 事实上,这不仅仅是可以. 这是非常积极的. By the time my maternity leave came to an end, I felt I’d made the most of it. I went to Australia with Finn to spend time with my godmother and her family, who I’m very close to. 我母乳喂养了十个月. 我和当地的其他妈妈们建立了不可思议的联系. Then, when Michael began his shared parental leave, I phased back into work. 感觉很自然

迈克尔: When you go on holiday to spend time with your family, it’s a break from work. When you take shared parental leave with your son, it becomes a full-time part of your life. Often, fathers get less exposure because you’re at work, and then at the weekend you’re both there. I always knew that at the end of the year I was going to have that time with Finn. 这对我来说是一次宝贵的经历. 我对他的日常需求有了更好的了解.


奥利维亚: It was good for our relationship because there’s more shared understanding. 我们都知道办公室的生活是什么样的, 然后迈克尔开始了他的共同育儿假, he got a real insight into what life is like looking after a child on your own, 每周五天. There are tough days, and now we’ve both experienced that challenge. 我们共同抚养孩子,这对芬恩来说很重要. It’s good for him to know that both of his parents took time out of their careers to look after him.

迈克尔: Everyone legally has the right to take shared parental leave, but most dads don’t. Sometimes it’s because they don’t have the financial support from their employer to do this. 但它也可能是文化上的. 身居高位的人应该以身作则. 我一直都知道我得到了球队的支持. There was never a problem keeping in touch, so I could hit the ground running when I came back.


奥利维亚: Being a mum for the first time can be the best days of your life, but it’s also full on. Sharing that responsibility meant that I could go back to work when I was ready to and that Michael could take parental leave too. 这对我们很有效. 我花时间和儿子在一起, we had time together as a family and Michael was able to spend time on his own with Finn. 这对我们一家人来说是不可思议的.

迈克尔: In over 15 years, shared parental leave is the most time I’ve ever had away from work. 虽然这不是假日, you do come back rejuvenated because you’ve been out of the office and spent time with your family. 它给了我一个新的视角. It builds a bond between employer and employee too, when you have that work/life balance. They give you the flexibility, trust and financial support to do it. 这确实激发了忠诚.


迈克尔: I’d encourage every employer to look at what you can change to support modern lifestyles. Oh, and to any dad about to embark on shared parental leave, I’d recommend having a plan. I realised in the first week that if I didn’t have a plan of what to do with Finn, the day just disappeared and we’d still be in the house at 3 o’clock, 试着做好准备. We went to a lot of museums – the Maritime Museum was a favourite – along with parks, 秋千和咖啡.

奥利维亚: 我喜欢回去工作,芬恩在托儿所也适应得很好. 他和我们度过了美好的一年. I’m grateful to British Land for allowing us to have that time and flexibility. 这应该成为常态. 你为什么不给每个人同样的机会呢?



British Land offers enhanced shared parental leave and pay to employees after the birth or adoption of a child. 我们的共同父母工资政策,由 女性的网络 2017年初,远超法定要求.

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